Mina Loy - Songs To Joannes & Other Verse - Mina Loy
Mina Loy - Songs to Joannes ' Other Verse
Forgotten Poets #7 / forgottenpoets.substack.com
'Songs to Joannes ' Other Verse' [146 pages] brings together a selection of poems by London poet Mina Loy, later based in Paris and New York, including the entire 34 song sequence, 'Songs to Joannes', and a generous selection of Loy's other verses (originally published 1914-1923), as well as selected short essays, manifestos, and aphorisms; with illustrations by Mina Loy, Djuna Barnes, and Clara Tice. Loy was a revolutionary poet, and a member of the Futurist and Dada groups in the mid-1910s, and a forerunner to the 'free' and 'new verse' movements of the 1920s.
. . . . . . . . .
-: From: Songs To Joannes :-
Out of the severing
Of hill from hill
The interim
Of star from star
The nascent
Of night
. . . . . . . . .
-: Gertrude Stein :-
Of the laboratory
of vocabulary
she crushed
the tonnage
of consciousness
congealed to phrases
to extract
a radium of the word
. . . . . . . . .
The Forgotten Poets Newsletter presents: new collections of out-of-print and obscure poetry, with a focus on compressed ' fragmented 'free' and 'new' verse from the late-1800s ' early-1900s, ' the early history of English-language tanka ' haiku. Verses are carefully selected ' spaciously laid-out, adorned with illustrations ' ornaments from the books ' magazines they originally appeared in.
EAN: 9781991310354