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The Low Carb No Sugar Solution - Peg Annear E

The Low Carb No Sugar Solution - Peg Annear E

  • How to Carb Detox with 38 Keto and Paleo Diet Friendly Recipes
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Break free from sugar and carb addiction with this transformative, eye-opening book specifically helping you sustain long term results for improved health. Eat rich, and kick the cravings! Is that even possible? Yes...because carb reduction affects the body in so many surprising ways!

Tired of struggling with weight gain, uncontrollable cravings, and a lack of energy? Discover the life-changing power of eliminating sugar and limiting carbs with this comprehensive guide. "The No Sugar, Low Carb Solution" provides a proven path to reclaiming your health, shedding unwanted weight, and breaking free from the vicious cycle of sugar addiction and processed foods.

Enjoy 38 low carb natural "real food" healthy Keto and Paleo friendly recipes focusing on a no sugar, no grain diet. Download the printable bonus checklist planners and re-use them, they'll help keep you on track. This is a "real food" low-carb recipes cookbook with original images for every dish, along with weight management tips along the way.

Author Peggy Annear shows a glimpse into her personal journey and shares research, equipping you with the tools to transform your relationship with food. In this invaluable resource, you'll uncover:

• The shocking truth about our societal sugar and carb addiction crisis, and its devastating impact on your well-being.

• Practical strategies to decode food labels, identify hidden sugars, and make informed choices for sustainable weight loss.

• A detailed roadmap of the ideal foods to eat and avoid, empowering you to take control of your diet.

• Powerful techniques to quit sugar for good, crush cravings, and overcome the low-fat myth perpetuated by food marketing.

• Eye-opening insights into the role of carbs and sugars in everyday meals, helping you make smarter decisions.

• A 7-day meal plan with 38 delicious, low-carb, sugar-free recipes to kickstart your journey and reboot your body.

With Peggy's research and guidance, you'll embark on a life-altering adventure towards better health. Bid farewell to restrictive diets, calorie-counting, and feeling hungry. Instead, embrace a sustainable lifestyle that nourishes your body and mind while achieving your weight loss goals. Don't let sugar and carb addiction hold you back any longer. "The No Sugar, Low Carb Solution" is the beginning of a lasting transformation. Reclaim control of your diet, rediscover your goals and how to go about achieving them.

You Will Learn About;

-Our Sugar ' Carb Addiction

-How to Read Food Labels for Health

-Foods to Eat ' Foods to Avoid for Weight Loss 

-How to Quit Sugar ' Beat Cravings

-The Low Sugar Advertising Myth

-Carb ' Sugar Counts in Everyday Meals

-7 Days of Meal Plans ' Recipes

Don't let sugar and carb addiction hold you back any longer. "The No Sugar, Low Carb Solution" can help guide you on a path to better health.

Start looking forward to taking control of a healthier, happy you!

EAN: 9781763626508
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Peg Annear E
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