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Stop The Cyber Bleeding - Bob Chaput
AutorzyBob Chaput
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Stop The Cyber Bleeding - Bob Chaput

  • What Healthcare Executives and Board Members Must Know About Enterprise Cyber Risk Management (ECRM) | How to Save Your Patients, Preserve Your Reputation, and Protect Your Balance Sheet
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Protect patients from harm and defend your healthcare organization with a robust enterprise cyber risk management program.

Cyber threats are ever increasing, particularly in the healthcare sector. Risks to patient safety are rising at an exponential rate, yet most healthcare organizations are underprepared to deal with these threats. Safeguarding today's patients and your organization is not just an IT problem. It's time to stop the cyber bleeding with this definitive guide to enterprise cyber risk management.

Bob Chaput, a leading authority on cybersecurity and enterprise risk management, brings an essential resource for healthcare leaders and board members. Equipping leaders with the knowledge and tools to establish a robust enterprise cyber risk management (ECRM) program, this book gives valuable insight into protecting patient data, complying with regulations, and enhancing your organization's reputation and finances. Focusing on optimizing five core capabilities-sound governance, skilled people, standardized processes, enabling technology, and organization-wide engagement, this book is your guide to building a cyber risk-aware culture and protecting your organization from costly and devastating cyberattacks.

In this easy-to-digest guide, learn how to:

  1. Establish, implement, and mature your organization's ECRM program as part of your overall business strategy.
  2. Understand the unique roles, responsibilities, and information needs of every executive and board member for effective ECRM oversight.
  3. Conduct thorough cyber risk assessments using the NIST risk-assessment process to identify and prioritize risks, ensuring effective resource allocation.
  4. Align cybersecurity initiatives with business goals to enhance patient safety, regulatory compliance, and organizational reputation.
  5. Implement 6 initial actions to establish or improve your ECRM program, making the process manageable and actionable.

Stop the Cyber Bleeding cuts through the jargon to bring timely and practical cyber risk management into clear focus. This pragmatic road map for governing and maturing an ECRM program in today's cyber risk environment gives healthcare leaders an edge to leverage security as a competitive advantage and to enhance patient trust. Stop the Cyber Bleeding will lead your organization toward a secure and resilient future.

EAN: 9781735122205
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Bob Chaput
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