Notes to Sadhakas - David Hickenbottom Yogacharya R
- How Dharma Works in Everyday Life
We all may wonder about the marvellous Sanskrit word Dharma, or life purpose, it has become a common term in the English language. But what does it really mean? In this small compendium, Yogacharaya David outlines, in short easy-to-read Dharma-lessons, how each of us can find a path towards a steadfast connection with our inner truth or sacred soul-force.
The teachings bring forward the holy science that describes the creation of the cosmos and explains how the microcosm of humankind-each one of us-is a reflection of the macrocosm of all creation. We come to understand what a wonderful body temple we have and learn methods for activating our full potential.
The search for the sacred has been with humankind since the beginning of time as shared in the earliest transcriptions from ancient sculpture, cave art, and writing. Yogacharya David (1954-2019), a Western man born in Washington State, USA, dedicated his adult life to the search inward; constantly seeking to reawaken the highest order of sacred, spiritual-universal connection with the cosmic Divine.
EAN: 9781957811130