The Contentment Dividend - Michael Goddart
- Meditations for Realizing Your True Self
STARRED REVIEW "... a valuable guide that can be read repeatedly ... on finding a unique, ongoing way of quieting the mind's chatter and accessing the higher self." -BlueInk Review Notable Book
You have the power within you to liberate your soul from the mind's dominance and achieve reunion with God. The forty-nine intuited meditations of The Contentment Dividend take you on a journey of discovery toward realizing your true spiritual self, understanding the immortal truths of existence, and focusing your mind and life to achieve contentment.
If you have ever wanted to comprehend the yearnings and role of your lower mind, higher mind, and soul, if you have ever desired to realize your fullest potential of goodness and love, and if you seek truths that will illuminate your life, The Contentment Dividend offers answers and riches.
When you review the contents, some of the names of the meditations may sound obscure, cryptic, even fanciful. Let them pique your curiosity. The meditations are sourced in the author's many decades-long study and practice of the teachings of realized Masters and true Saints. These are the fully God-realized humans who come to awaken us to our unlimited spiritual potential.
By engaging with the meditations, you will access the wisdom of your higher mind, heighten your receptivity to grace, and undergo a revolution in how you navigate life's challenges.
EAN: 9781960090423