Beyond the Label - Anne M. Scriven
- Encountering ASN Education
Beyond the Label is a beautifully written book, presenting the reader with candid pictures of the structure and messiness of what it is to teach and to learn in a school where pupils have as much to teach teachers as they have to learn themselves.
The assembled stories and thoughts mix the triumphs and mis-steps that come with teaching young people whose honesty and truths at times may feel bruising. Anne M Scriven demonstrates throughout the book the positive outcomes that can be achieved when teachers are willing to co-produce learning and teaching with their pupils.
Anne writes with a passion about pupil and teacher identity, the barriers there are to accepting that those with additional support needs are different, not less, and making sure that Scottish heritage plays a significant part in the curriculum.
Laura Watkins, Fellow of the Institute of Directors,
CEO of The Donaldson Trust, National Body for Neurodiversity.
EAN: 9781849212441