WRAP Yourself in the Word - Joni Rosebrock
Bitterness, hurt, and anger destroyed a once vibrant and joyful heart. With only a flicker of hope, Joni Rosebrock cried out to God. She longed for a flourishing, fruitful life -- a full-time, eyes fixed on Jesus' faith - full of hope, joy, and peace. She trusted God to answer her cries. God's answer was for Joni to WRAP herself in the Word. It was this invitation that led Joni to establish the WRAP Bible studying model...to write, read, apply, and pray God's Word daily. This simple practice in God's Word led Joni into: Emotional healing, Confident faith, Stronger relationships. As God used WRAP Yourself in the Word powerfully in Joni's own life, He began to redeem every corner of her heart. He gently unwrapped all the hurt, anger, and bitterness and replaced it with His joy, peace, and hope. Will you accept an invitation to WRAP Yourself in the Word? Join Joni Rosebrock as you learn to desire and delight in God's Word, trust Jesus, and experience joy.
EAN: 9781961732193