Creator, Companion, Comforter - Blake T. Walsh
- Approaching Almighty God Through Poetry
"Come now, and let us reason together," Says the LORD,
Isaiah 1:18 New King James Version
Have you ever wondered about things the Bible doesn't tell us?
What was Abraham thinking when he was taking his son to be sacrificed?
Why did God intervene to save Abraham's son but not His own?
What did Nicodemus really think about Jesus?
Why did Jesus talk to the woman at the well?
What was really on Judas' mind when he betrayed Jesus?
Why did God create such mixed-up people?
What is the Holy Spirit trying to accomplish?
If these questions spark your interest this book is for you.
The author has written a series of poems exploring questions like these. He prefaces each poem with a thought of his own and follows each poem with a set of questions which lend themselves to individual exploration or group discussion.
His wish is that these poems will expand your understanding of Almighty God.
EAN: 9781637845752