Learning to Hate Yourself as a Self-Defense Mechanism - Andrea Kriz
- And Other Stories
A short story collection exploring unexpected, fantastical futures and how we cope in them.
Your friend creates an award-winning VR game-based on your friendship. An AI starts a YouTube channel at the expense of its creator. A fanfic writer plagiarizing the lives of the marginalized gets her comeuppance. Time travel meets magic in a world blown into pieces by war. Dragons modify DNA and undergo peer review. In Andrea Kriz's debut short story collection, technology and genres wildly blend in stories that will challenge how you see our future.
Stories include "Learning to Hate Yourself as a Self-Defense Mechanism," "Communist Computer Rap God," "There Are No Hot Topics on Whukai," "Miss DELETE Myself," "AIs Who Make Ais Make the Best Ais!" "The Ones Who Got Away from Time and Loss," "Rebuttal to Reviewer's Comments on Edits for "Demonstration of a Novel Draconification Protocol in a Human Subject"," "I Want to Dream of a Brief Future," "And That's Why I Gave Up on Magic," "Resistance in a Drop of DNA," "The Last Caricature of Jean Moulin," and "The Leviathan and the Fury."
EAN: 9781953736321