Prem Pradhan Apostle to Nepal - Pradhan Prem
Prem Pradhan was led to Christ by members of Bakht Singh's people, in a city near Nepal. He was Nepal's first modern convert. Later, he became Nepal's apostle.
By the end of his life, Prem had spent half of his Christian life in prisons. His crime? Preaching Christ and baptizing others. His very first converts were all fellow prisoners. (By law, every convert had to spend one year in prison for the crime of being baptized.) Prem insisted that all his converts obey the law. In hopes that he would die in prison, prison officials once staked him out in the snow. On another occasion, he was kept in a room with dead, rotting bodies. Pradhan wrote no books, but SeedSowers recorded his life testimony as well as a message he brought on the subject of suffering. This message has now been turned into a pamphlet. We have also printed the transcript of his unbelievable testimony.
We see Pradhan as one of the greatest Christians of Christian History. As you read his story, you will meet a simple man, yet one who matched Paul of Tarsus, stripe for stripe, imprisonment for imprisonment, beating for beating, and church for church. Modern history knows no greater tale than that of the life of Prem Pradhan. If you ever wanted to know the modern equivalent of a John Huss, John Wycliffe, the Anabaptists, or Paul, then read this man.
EAN: 9780979751547