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DevOps Unleashed with Git and GitHub - Yuki Hattori
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DevOps Unleashed with Git and GitHub - Yuki Hattori

  • Automate, collaborate, and innovate to enhance your DevOps workflow and development experience
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Unlock the full potential of your team with Git mastery, seamless DevOps workflows, and the power of AI integration

Key Features

  • Gain a comprehensive understanding of Git, GitHub, and DevOps with practical implementation tips
  • Embark on a holistic exploration of DevOps workflows, scaling, DevSecOps, and GitHub Copilot
  • Discover the best practices for optimizing processes and team productivity
  • Purchase of the print or Kindle book includes a free PDF eBook

Book Description

Git and GitHub are absolutely crucial for DevOps, playing a multifaceted role in streamlining the software development lifecycle and enabling smoother collaboration between development and operations teams.

DevOps Unleashed with Git and GitHub enables you to harness the power of Git and GitHub to streamline workflows, drive collaboration, and fuel innovation. Authored by an expert from GitHub, the book starts by guiding you through Git fundamentals and delving into DevOps and the developer experience. As you progress, you'll understand how to leverage GitHub's collaboration and automation features, and even use GitHub Copilot for enhanced productivity. You'll also learn how to bridge the DevOps gap, maintain code quality, and implement robust security measures. Additionally, hands-on exercises will equip you to elevate your developer experience, foster teamwork, and drive innovation at the speed of DevOps.

By the end of this DevOps book, you'll have mastered the Git fundamentals, conquered collaboration challenges, and unleashed the power of GitHub as you transform your DevOps workflows.

What you will learn

  • Master the fundamentals of Git and GitHub
  • Unlock DevOps principles that drive automation, continuous integration and continuous deployment (CI/ CD), and monitoring
  • Facilitate seamless cross-team collaboration
  • Boost productivity using GitHub Actions
  • Measure and improve development velocity
  • Leverage the GitHub Copilot AI tool to elevate your developer experience

Who this book is for

If you're aiming to enhance collaboration, productivity, and DevOps practices to enrich your development experience, this book is for you. Novice DevOps engineers will be able resolve their doubts surrounding Git and GitHub errors, while IT admins and system engineers will be able to effortlessly embrace DevOps principles with pragmatic insights. For infrastructure engineers looking to delve into cloud-based collaboration and optimal management practices, this book provides valuable knowledge to facilitate a seamless transition into the DevOps landscape.

Table of Contents

  1. DevOps and Developer Experience - Entering the World of Modern Development
  2. Getting Started with Git
  3. Advanced Git Usage for Team Collaboration
  4. Elevating Team Collaboration with GitHub
  5. Driving CI/CD with GitHub
  6. Enriching DevOps Implementation
  7. Accelerate Productivity with AI
  8. Reflection and Conclusion

EAN: 9781835463710
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Drost-Fromm Isabel
Yuki Hattori
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