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Rogues & Patriots - Patrick H. Moore

Rogues & Patriots - Patrick H. Moore

  • A Nick Crane Thriller
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'i''b'In the Depths of Corruption... 'br'In the Face of Tyranny... 'br'One Man's Quest Begins...'/b' 'br''br'Get ready for a heart-pounding ride through the dark underbelly of America in Patrick H. Moore's latest thriller, 'b'Rogues ' Patriots'/b'.'/i' 'br''br'As the second installment in Moore's gripping trilogy, this book plunges readers into the dangerous world of veteran LA PI Nick Crane. Locked in a life-or-death struggle with the ruthless Miles Amsterdam and his cabal of aristocratic "super patriots," Crane must navigate a treacherous landscape where power and ideology collide. 'br''br'Eight years after he and his team liquidated Frank Constantine, a murderous military shrink and close personal friend of Miles Amsterdam, Nick Crane finds himself abducted, beaten and threatened with rendition to a black site in Egypt if he refuses to join the Principals' cause, which includes attempting to incite anti-Muslim violence in every major American city. Crane, however, is rescued by his close friend and business partner, Vietnam War vet Bobby Moore, and the war is on. 'br''br'Packed with well-drawn characters, relentless action, and razor-sharp narration, 'i''b'Rogues ' Patriots'/b''/i' is a scintillating sequel that builds on the momentum of its predecessor, 'i''b'27 Days'/b''/i'. As Nick Crane once again emerges as a beacon of resilience and integrity, readers will be drawn deeper into a world where the fate of a nation hangs in the balance. 'br''br''i'Are you ready to uncover the secrets of power and deception where nothing is as it seems, and trust is the ultimate currency?'/i' 'br''br''b'Join Nick Crane on a relentless quest for truth in the face of corruption and betrayal. Get your copy of 'i'Rogues ' Patriots'/i' today and start on an adrenaline-fueled journey through a world where the line between hero and villain blurs, and only the brave dare to challenge the status quo.'/b''br''br'Critical Acclaim for 'i'Rogues ' Patriots'/i': 'br''br'"Nick Crane is the kind of guy you can count on. He's smart, tough, and persistent, a throwback to the classic American PI, in the mold of Marlowe and Spade, the kind of guy who runs into the burning building rather than hit the fire alarm. So, be prepared to buckle up for this wild ride." -Charles Salzberg, Three-Time Shamus Award nominee, author of 'i'Man on the Run'/i', and winner of the Beverly Hills Book Award 'br''br'"In 'i'Rogues ' Patriots'/i', LA PI Nick Crane's courage and cunning are put to the test as he battles sinister super patriots. A heart-pounding tale of espionage, friendship, and one man's unwavering resolve against dark forces." -Michael D. Sellers, award winning-writer and director of 'i'Eye of the Dolphin'/i' 'br''br'"Moore has produced a thought-provoking and suspenseful thriller as PI Nick Crane squares off against a creepy cabal of paramilitarists intent on taking power. Set against the intensifying political divides of our time, 'i'Rogues and Patriots'/i' builds the action and plot twists with masterful, page-turning precision while offering an insider's portrayal of the investigator's world and the desperate, colorful characters who inhabit it." -John Brown, Los Angeles private investigator 

EAN: 9781643963648
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Patrick H. Moore
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