Backroad Blessings - Cassie Winner
Backroad Blessings takes you on a journey to show how God takes an actual dream and brings fulfillment to someone's true purpose through the obstacles on the course of life's winding roads and dead end pathways. There is no one God can't use even in our utmost brokenness and vulnerability to show the truth that God can work together for good for those who love Him. In this beautiful memoir, you will learn how a mother fought for her seriously ill son, the heartbreaking suffering, pain and grief before surrendering to our faithful God, and finding the tools and weapons necessary to fight the powers of darkness: on her feet on the country backroads, and on her knees where she discovers that god is both good and faithful.
Cassie Winner, a former mammographer of ten years, fully found herself in the crossroads of life when her oldest son McGwire became seriously ill. In the midst of heartache and grief, Cassie redirected her life's passion and became a fitness teacher and personal trainer while learning what it really means to completely trust Jesus with everything. She now owns her own business, Crazee Fitness, which has become her ministry to help others navigate their own Backroads. Cassie and her husband of nineteen years, Patrick live in Malta, Ohio with their sons McGwire and Larkin
EAN: 9781633377851