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Prairie Flowers - Joann Klusmeyer
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Prairie Flowers - Joann Klusmeyer

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-ABOUT THE BOOK: How can a Christmas Eve house fire in New York City have a profound effect on a corner of the mid-American prairie? Not only that, but the profundity of it all extended into WWI in Belgium, where the bloodiest battles of the war were fought in hand-to-hand combat.

Prairie Flowers-Book 2 in The Sheltering Stones series-continues the story of sweeping change in the Oklahoma territory and the world, and the lives of the first graduates of Ms. Josie's school under the ledge. Opportunity was great, but life was hard, and responsibility came early. Yet hardship, when survived, often bred greatness. Who could have imagined the impact a teenage orphan girl and her little brother would have through time and the generations that followed? Suffering produces perseverance; perseverance, character; and character, hope. -Romans 5:3

-ABOUT THE AUTHOR: Ms. Joann Klusmeyer is the daughter of pioneer missionary parents. She grew up in rural Arkansas and learned and served in the little country church her father built and then pastored. She later moved to Oklahoma and now resides in an area settled by the Great Land Rush of 1889.

Ms. Klusmeyer is a prolific author with over 50 titles to her credit (and counting). Her family-friendly children's book series include The Great I AM Bible Story Series for Kids, The Young Pioneers Adventure Series for Kids, The Wentworth Triplets Mystery Series for Young Teens, and Footsteps in the Canyon Adventure Series for Young Teens.

Ms. Klusmeyer's historical fiction series for adults, set between the 1880s and the 1920s, include The Burnt Tree Junction Series, The Ozark Mountain Series, Taming the Wilderness Series, The Sheltering Stones Series, and The Trilogy of Wishbone Hollow.

-ABOUT THE PUBLISHER: Innovo Publishing LLC is a Christian publisher located near Memphis, TN. Since 2008, Innovo has been publishing quality books, eBooks, audiobooks, music, screenplays, film, and online and physical curricula that support the Great Commission, equip believers, and help create a positive Christian worldview. Innovo's capabilities and global reach provide Christian authors, artists, and ministries access to the world for Christ. To learn more about Innovo Publishing, visit our website at innovopublishing.com. To connect with other Christian Creatives and to learn best practices for creating, publishing, marketing, and selling Christian titles, visit the Christian Publishing Portal at cpportal.com.

EAN: 9781613147320
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Joann Klusmeyer
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