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Dragon Mates - Gorri C.D.
AutorzyGorri C.D.
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Dragon Mates - Gorri C.D.

  • The Falk Clan Tales Books 1-4
Cena regularna142,10 zł
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The Falk Clan Tales Books1-4

Journey with these Four Dragon Shifter brothers and discover how they meet their true and fated mates. Each brother's chest is marked with his rose, the magical link to his heart and his magic to be shared with the one person in the universe destined for him alone. Each Dragon has a matching gemstone to go with it, a gift for his future mate.

But after 500 years of isolation and imprisonment, can these Dragons find their mates in the modern world?

Inside Dragon Mates:

In The Dragon's Valentine, we meet the eldest Falk brother, Callius. He is on a mission to find a Castle and his one true mate, one he can trust with his diamond rose. She's given up on love, but he's just begun...

In The Dragon's Christmas Gift our attention shifts to Alexsander, the youngest brother of the four. He has resigned himself to a life alone, until he meets her. His heart is frozen. Can she change his mind about love?

The Dragon's Heart tells the story of Edric Falk who has vowed never to love again, but that changes when he meets his feisty mate, Joselyn Coracao. Some wounds run deep, can a Dragon's heart be unbroken?

Lastly, Nikolai Falk meets his mate in Melody Casper in The Dragon's Secret.

She just wants a little fun, he's looking for a lifetime.

I loved writing each and every one of these brothers' tales and I hope you will enjoy reading them in this new discreetly covered anthology.

Del mare alla stella,

C.D. Gorri

EAN: 9781960294401
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Gorri C.D.
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