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Healthy Echoes - Maggie Topham

Healthy Echoes - Maggie Topham

  • A Mother's Influence on Health. A 3-month Mother-Daughter Health Journey
67,48 zł
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Healthy Echoes is more than a weight loss program. It is a life-changing experience designed to inspire a positive view of body image and a healthier relationship with food, nurturing a legacy of self-confidence and well-being for both mothers and daughters. Learn about preventing PCOS, diabetes, and the role of muscle in insulin resistance, and sustainable weight management. I am excited to present this empowering journey toward healthier, happier relationships with your bodies, your food, and each other.

This educational workbook will take you through six modules. Each Module includes a progressive steps toward optimal health and weight management. You will gain knowledge on the following topics:

Body image and nutrition. How eating well is the first act of love for your body. Modeling behavior and how we pick up on a healthy or destructive mind-set. Eliminating sugar and tools to "crowd it out." How nutrition brings confidence. In this Module, we will delve into the science behind the mother-daughter relationship and its role in shaping our perception of our bodies. We will also explore the importance of healthy eating, and crowding out sugar. Most importantly, we will approach the benefits of embracing and appreciating our bodies.

Whole foods and swap outs. How to read labels and combat insulin resistance. Understand cravings and leveraging nutrients while prioritizing protein ' healthy fats. How transitioning to whole foods positively impacts our hormonal balance, aiding in weight management and easing symptoms of depression and anxiety. Prioritizing protein and whole foods helps combat various health concerns while providing sustainable energy and controlling cravings. When our nutritional needs are met, our body stops the search for nutrients, resulting in diminished cravings and satiety (feeling satisfied).

Rest and digest: A metabolic reset. Teach your body to use fat as fuel as you learn the benefits of lowering insulin levels and how it pertains to disease prevention ' metabolic health. Shifting from sugar burning to fat burning is crucial for sustained energy, improved body composition, and disease prevention. Insulin resistance, a key factor in obesity and diseases, is addressed through time-restricted eating or intermittent fasting. By embracing this method, your bodies will become more insulin-sensitive, promoting efficient energy utilization and reducing the risk of health issues. Together, you will cultivate habits that foster well-being and metabolic resilience for a sustainable lifestyle.

Sleep and circadian heath: Aligning lifestyle with the body's natural daily rhythm for optimal health.Understanding Circadian Rhythms and how to create a cirdian-friendly lifestyle. This includes managing light exposure and tailoring daily habits.Synchronized circadian cycles contribute to improved mood, immune function, and overall well-being. Learn how sleep disrupts hormone and hunger levels. Poor sleep leads to higher glucose and insulin levels which make it harder to manage weight, over consumption of food and cravings. Discovering and respecting your body's natural rhythm fosters lasting vitality, resilience, and a deeper connection to the innate balance of life. Together, you will learn to embrace circadian health for a harmonious approach to your overall health and well-being.


EAN: 9781963949230
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Maggie Topham
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