I'm Too Young to be Old - Rhea Pliakas
- Poems of Reflection
Poetry takes you places and Rhea's poems are no exception. Musing on the soft and hard realities of life, "I'm Too Young" transports readers from their own childhood memories to the change of seasons and into contemplation of life and death.
Our Generation Several Miles Away
Several miles away
We are All Getting Older
Truth be told
We didn't think
We would last forever
And a Day
But we hoped
We knew This Day
Would Come
But hoped it Was
Just a bit farther Away
To Touch it Again
The children in the playground
Do you remember them
They were ours
The Babies the Toddlers
Now the Women and Men
We birthed Them
When you get more tired out
Then you think we would
Or Should
Several miles Away
The wonder of it
It happened so fast
It was only yesterday
A Generation gone by
Think of it then
And travel the Miles
Along the way
The route was long
And Sometimes
But we are not
Yet Done
Nor even on the run
For the next will come
And we will be there
To Share
The Joys
The Laughs
The Death That Lasts
In our Memories
Strong and Mighty
Along the Way
And the Tales
We will Tell
EAN: 9781949813418