Micropolis Robotics Primer - Micropolis Handbooks
Robotics is a diverse field, mechanically complex and with challenges in software and design. Technology is advancing quickly today, with breakthroughs in traditional automation and mechatronics, new approaches in autonomous systems and even the advent of everyday A.I. And although new robots, drones or autonomous systems are increasingly appearing all around, getting started in robotics can be difficult: terms are unknown, concepts only vaguely familiar, abbreviations difficult to decipher. What is an AMR (an "autonomous mobile robot")? What are robot ethics? Will patrol robots police our streets? What is a SCARA or Cartesian robot?
This Micropolis Robotics Handbook is mainly written in the form of a technical terms glossary, meant as a quick-start guide on robotics. Short paragraphs per term summarize often complex matter to provide you with an overview of the field. Selected terms receive broader discussion in short articles. Several concepts are visualized in black and white illustrations. Organized like an encyclopedia, this basic reference book is a first primer on this fascinating and highly relevant topic of Automation, Industrial and DIY Robots and Industrial Technology.
EAN: 9783982616636