Lucky Number Eleven - Adriana Locke
Exposé Top Story: Best Making Headlines
The temperature skyrocketed in Chicago this week and it had nothing to do with the weather. Our two favorite ballers went head-to-head (or should we say helmet-to-helmet?) on the practice field and there's video to prove it.
Sources tell us the (sweaty, aggressive, hot-as-heck) fight that got Branch "Lucky" Best, Finn Miller, and visiting Columbus quarterback Callum Worthington ejected from practice (you must see this video!) was not over a fumbled play. It was over nothing less than Layla James Miller, Finn's younger sister.
Does Layla's name sound familiar? It should. Until about five minutes ago, you could find her on Callum's well-formed arm . . . until he gave us whiplash showing up in Tahiti with the face of Ares Cosmetics, Carly Mathewson. But Callum and Layla aren't dating anymore, so where's the beef?
Give us a sec.
Layla James is now scoring with Branch. Yeah. We'll give that a minute to sink in.
Word has it Finn isn't all that hyped about his sister playing ball with his (former?) best friend. Branch's playboy image is well-known and even better documented. A keyword search of his name on our site alone brings up thousands of hits of him with women and rarely are two the same.
The question remains: why does Callum care?
We'll have to wait and see. In the meantime, we'll be crying in our champagne and hoping our favorite bromance gets back on track. (And, seriously, go watch that video!)
USA Today Bestselling author Adriana Locke delivers a "sweet ' steamy!" tale of a football hero, his best friend's little sister, and a surprise that might be an interception ... or a Hail Mary.
EAN: 9781960355249