LEAD! - Bob Hooey 'Idea Man'
Welcome fellow leaders! Welcome to the never-ending journey of an evolving career and management focus on personal leadership development and coaching. A striking change in global perspective has placed a new focus and pressure on finding and applying more productive uses of your assets and updating your team members' skills to compete successfully.
Taking personal leadership in your own career growth and success is worth the investment. This is where you apply leverage to dynamically succeed! Too many leaders are blind to the opportunities and responsibilities of creating and nurturing those who would follow them. Too many miss the opportunity (are blind) to play an active part in the selection, growth, and success of those who would succeed them; those who would help them succeed as leaders.
"Avoid being the blind leading the blind ...
leave behind a 'Legacy of Leadership'."
Bob 'Idea Man' Hooey
Leadership can be a lonely and frustrating road to walk. There will be times when you wonder if it is worth the effort. I know I have! 'LEAD! - 12 idea-rich leadership success strategies' is my small contribution to helping you work through the frustrations, challenges, and lessons; to see your efforts bear positive fruit.
Being a persuasive and effective leader is a lifetime commitment and we need you.
LEAD! was written to share a few ideas, tips, and techniques we felt would be helpful in your quest for leadership significance.
In recent history, workplace coaching has taken on a new, more effective focus. Leading edge employees, managers, and successful executives have experienced positive results from enlisting the help of a leadership coach to help them improve in specific areas or to achieve specific goals. Striving for significance as a leader follows this path.
People have been going outside the typical corporate arena and enlisting or recruiting personal or leadership coaches. They want to change, to improve their performance, and to enhance their ability to win! Strive for significance - lead on purpose!
Many world leaders, executives, and innovative managers have also seen the wisdom and a positive return on their investment of time and resources in training and coaching their employees and future leaders for optimal results.
Things are changing in the boardrooms, factories, and on the sales floors of businesses across North America and the globe. Are you?
Leaders are changing as well, with more women taking on important leadership roles and proving themselves worthy as they inspire other women to follow their lead. Bravo!
People generally experience problems and challenges in their performance for four major reasons:
Poor or inadequate training
Inadequate equipment or support services
Time constraints and poor time management
Unfortunately, many of these reasons can be traced back to poor or uninspired leadership.
EAN: 9781998014064