Deadworld Archives - Book Nine - Reed Gary
Before there was The Walking Dead there was Deadworld.
First published in the 1986, Deadworld is one of indie comics longest running horror series with over 100 issues and graphic novels in release and over 1,000,000 copies sold. While being considered the 'godfather' of all the zombie apocalyptic comics that followed.
In this continuation of collecting all the original Deadworld stories into a set of Archive volumes, BOOK NINE edition holds Volume Two comic issues #11-15 which presents King Zombie as he faces multiple threats such as the Voodoo Queen and the lepers. Katherine, the woman who provided the Dead-Killer with a rare glimpse of humanity, is captured by Bowker, one of King Zombie's human lieutenants, and now Dead-Killer has to enter a zombie plagued town to rescue her. For the first time in 25 years these issues have never been reprinted before. This was the last of the on-going Deadworld series run until Volume Three, starting with the new Requiem for the World story arc. Deadworld Archives BOOK TEN contains stories set within the Deadworld universe but outside the main story line - these also seeing their first printing in 25 years!
EAN: 9781635298208