Walking Out Walking in the Spirit - Helen Laib
What does it mean to walk in the Spirit? That is a concept that many people, even Christians, don't really understand. Part 1 of Walking Out Walking In the Spirit is a testimony of how the authors experienced God working in and through them in their own lives. Reading this book will put the reader in a place of understanding how the presence of God in our lives can manifest in us for the blessing of others. We have the awesome privilege of carrying the presence of God in us through the Holy Spirit. The reader will become aware of how important mission is as an avenue to reach others. They will gain insight into what an awesome God can do. He can manifest Himself at any time and any place. The authors give examples of how that played out in their own lives.
Part 2 shows the importance of speaking and declaring the Word of God. Just as God created the world by His spoken word, when we speak in the power of the Holy Spirit, our words are spirit, and they are life. The spoken word has the power to do the miraculous.
EAN: 9781662467134