Haggadah Min HaMeitzar - A Seder Journey to Liberation - Gabriella Spitzer
- A Traditional and Radical Haggadah in Four Voices
Haggadah Min HaMeitzar is liturgically traditional, visually beautiful, ideologically progressive, and discursively provocative. It uses a complete traditional text and translation, paired with original commentary and art, thought-provoking quotations, and discussion prompts. The art functions as a form of commentary and provides another layer to discuss.
The commentary focuses on four voices, corresponding to the four names of Passover:
Chag HaCheirut/Festival of Freedom: a progressive voice prompting discussion on the meanings of liberation and oppression in the Exodus story and today.
Chag HaAviv/Springtime Festival: an environmental voice making connections between the Passover seder, ecology, and regrowth and regeneration.
Chag HaPesach/Passover: a meta-commentary about how we tell our stories, the voices that get shared and the voices that do not get shared enough.
Chag HaMaztot/Matzah Festival: a voice about embodiment and the tangible and sensory aspects of the seder.
EAN: 9781953829467