Breaking the Yoke - Rapheal Stephon
- The Unruly Mind
The Unruly Mind: Breaking the Yoke is a thought-provoking, Bible-oriented book that exposes lawless thinking and how to overcome them with godly principles and weapons of war. It intertwines both a biblical and a psychological perspective. Readers are expected to gain a deeper understanding of the concept of the mind, how it operates, how it affects us, and how we can effect it to affect our future. It is inspired by the author's direct and indirect battles in the mind and relentless search to get down to the root of the problems he encountered. Of utmost importance, every reader is invited to a deeper intimacy with the Lord Jesus Christ as that is the true and right way for chains to be broken off anyone's life. The unruly mind is common to all man and is a state we are all familiar with. However, breaking yokes of demonic covenants and barricades with this state of mind is where we need to be to daily walk in victory.
Christ has called us to be more than conquerors, but the enemy has made it his point of duty to ensure that you and I live below our identity in Christ by infiltrating us with lies from our childhood and onward through various systems, culture, the media, etc. But I believe what Jesus says in John 8:32 that you will know the truth and the truth will set you free. And that's why this book has landed on your hands. You're about to be set free. This is no secret, so share this with others and be empowered!
EAN: 9781662446450