The Grateful Gardener - Gloria Scarborough
- God First Made a Garden
In this hectic world we created for ourselves, the author says "think about it." When God created the world, once the explosive inner core moved and shifted to reveal the great oceans and landmasses, things calmed and cooled. God himself said it was very good (Genesis 1:31). And God saw everything that he had made, and behold, it was very good. When we travel to beautiful, peaceful places all over the world, such as our national parks, the only disturbance to contend with is the human invasion.
Christ Jesus retreated to the garden many times. There he found peace and renewal. We can find the same if we take the time to look.
The author joins beautiful photos and thought-provoking poems to allow the reader to escape into the environment for which we were intended into. So if you don't have time to create or visit a beautiful garden or travel to scenic places, if you plan but never have time to walk in the woods or wade in a creek, if sunrise and sunsets have passed before your workday ends, just pick up a book.
Just as a babe in the womb is safe and protected from the busy world just inches away, taking time to think peaceful thoughts and view beautiful scenes can be just a page away.
Verses used are from the King James Version Bible.
EAN: 9781662478680