From Big Predicaments to Big Possibilities - Francis Ferron F.
- 12 Kingdom Principles for Personal Financial Gain
Money! That's what usually comes to mind first when we hear the word stewardship. Money management is an essential aspect of stewardship. It is beneficial for everyone, especially those who belong to the body of Christ, to be invested in helping others achieve some level of mastery regarding money management. However, if we narrow our view of stewardship to primarily money management, we will address a problem's symptoms, not the root cause. Unfortunately, it's not hard to find ourselves with serious financial problems. The difference between a problem and a predicament is that problems eventually have solutions, while predicaments have outcomes.
One may suggest that God sometimes allows us to go through a predicament to learn how to depend on Him and not on the things He has given us. From Big Predicaments to Big Possibilities explores money management fundamentals that lead away from worry and anxiety to achieving personal financial gain. Each chapter provides practical principles of being a good steward that will change how you view money, stewardship, and financial hardships. The possibilities are endless when you are equipped with theological wisdom and walking in faith.
EAN: 9781948877992