Still Day One - John David Walt
The day of Pentecost is not coming sometime in the future. Nor is it a one-and-done event that happened in the past. The day of Pentecost came, is come, and is now here. In fact, Pentecost is an eternal day-it inaugurated the Age of the Holy Spirit. Once that day came, it never stopped coming. We either wake up into that day or we slide into another intervening day of slumber.
In Still Day One, J. D. Walt calls the church to wake up to that new day afresh. It is the day after the dawn of the new creation, the day after the birth of the church Jesus builds in our time. And while personal experiences with the Holy Spirit may prove to be a unique mixture of personality and spirituality, keeping the gift of the Holy Spirit stirred up within you means the same thing for everyone: never losing sight of Jesus so that we might become like him.
EAN: 9781628249880