When Shame Gets Real - Thomas Carl
- A new way to talk about sex, porn, and masturbation
We all know what it's like to look into the mirror only to feel overwhelmed with regret and shame. For some, it's a daily occurrence. But for those who've compromised their sexual integrity, it's an ongoing reality.
In this book, you'll find a refreshingly blunt and candid conversation about sex, porn, and masturbation, that pulls no punches and reveals a clear path to freedom from sexual shame and sexually addictive behavior.
If you are a...
- person struggling with sexual integrity
- parent not quite sure how to talk to your kids about sex and porn
- spouse who feels they are alone while facing the pain and embarrassment of infidelity and sexual betrayal
- couple whose sex life is on life support
- leader who wants to help others navigate the minefield of sexual shame and regret
This book is for you.
EAN: 9781956267280