The Moment of Truth
We are all inspired to be financially successful, which makes sense in this physical material world we live in. Our existence is predicated on using enormous amounts of energy working to survive and to elevate on the social scale. We are programmed to believe that the most advanced people among us are the wealthiest, and we should aspire to that level in life. It is all superficial because no matter how many things you accumulate, you will still feel empty without a true source of Spirituality.
In this work, my goal is to provide you with Spiritual Motivation, Spimo (spee-mo) for short. When you are spiritually motivated, you will experience your worldly accomplishments on a spiritual level. Understanding the balance of both worlds. I want to stimulate profound ideas and concepts that will bring humanity together as a whole. It's ok for us to dream, for in that state exist a realm of true reality that transcends this mundane existence. Are you ready for the Moment of Truth?
EAN: 9781954161276