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Amazing Days of Grace - Barton John
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Amazing Days of Grace - Barton John

  • God's Blessings through Difficult Afflictions and Unusual Disabilities
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-ABOUT THE BOOK: Drinking a glass of water, eating a meal with family or friends, conversing with others at social events, or introducing yourself to someone new are all ordinary parts of life for most people. But for John Barton, these seemingly simple activities took on a whole new perspective after being afflicted with Stage 4 tongue cancer. Little did he know of the transformational journey God had in store for him. In Amazing Days of Grace, you are invited to follow John's journey of, unparalleled joy amid tremendous pain, richer depths of life when death was imminent, surpassing peace while adapting to an odd new lifestyle, and how God's amazing blessings of grace have covered each step of the way.

-ABOUT THE AUTHOR: John Barton, a follower of Jesus Christ, is originally from Starkville, Mississippi, and has lived in the Memphis suburb of Collierville, Tennessee, for twenty-seven years. He has served in several lay leadership and service roles in churches, including teacher, small group leader, deacon, treasurer, and elder. As a survivor of stage four tongue cancer, he deals with unusual disabilities daily. John has been married to Candy for thirty-seven years, and they are blessed to have three adult children and two daughters-in-law. John enjoys retirement and having more time to do the things he loves most: visiting family and friends, studying God's Word, journaling, walking, serving in church, reading, writing, and encouraging others.

-ABOUT THE PUBLISHER: Innovo Publishing LLC a multimedia publisher located near Memphis, TN. Since 2008, Innovo has published quality books, eBooks, audiobooks, music, screenplays, and curricula for authors, artists, and organizations within Christian and wholesome markets. Innovo's capabilities and global reach provide authors, artists and ministries access to the world for Christ. To learn more about Innovo Publishing, visit our website at innovopublishing.com. To connect with other Christian creatives and to learn best practices for creating, publishing, marketing, and selling Christian titles, visit the Christian Publishing Portal at cpportal.com.

EAN: 9781613149294
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Barton John
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