Choices - James Schuppe
- From Deception to Blessing: The Letter From James
We make hundreds of choices a day. We talk ourselves into things, and afterward we justify our choices. We make choices without knowing all the facts or having the correct facts, or we are emotionally influenced in a situation.
James the apostle is convinced that too many people make bad choices because they start with a wrong view of life. Instead of living in blessing and peace and wholeness, people are living in discouragement, disappointment, and death.
Judas was one of James’ good friend. Judas shows us the horror of living in deception, continually making choices with half-truths, partial information, and the world’s view of what is going on.
Choices is a pastoral commentary on this often misunderstood book of the Bible. It offers a close look at what it means to make good choices and what blessings come from wise choices that lift us out of standard, deceptive religious thinking. The world gives us lies, and James wants to give us wisdom so we can make choices that lead to blessing.
EAN: 9781734638516