Secrets, Truths, & Whispers - Tony Garcia
- Lessons from a Good, Hard Life
We go through this life doing our best to uncover the secrets to happiness and success. We go through this life searching for the truths that will lead us toward peace and self-fulfillment. We go through this life hoping to quiet the noise long enough to hear the whispers from our heart. In Secrets, Truths, ' Whispers: Lessons from a Good, Hard Life, Tony Garcia helps bring those secrets and truths and whispers into the light. In this 366-day collection of poems, stories, prayers, and hopes, readers begin to learn how to overcome the obstacles, fears, and struggles that confront them in everyday life. Each daily passage provides an opportunity to reflect on your journey. Garcia looks to provide readers with tools, inspiration, and hope to live their best life.
EAN: 9781647042165