Writing Down the Moon - Hill Judyth
- Poems & Art: Poems & Art
All I can say is the decades of Judyth Hill's Full Moon writing, from her art ranch/home Rockmirth to her forays in San Miguel de Allende, Paris, Ireland, and Taos have turned her writing into a new voice, half moonlight and half silk. The paintings by Mary Meade are a perfect blend, indeed the whole book is reads like skin, luminescent, intelligent. The poems and art take turns winning your heart and the transparency of image is a page turner, what beauty happens next?
The moon follows Judyth, and she tracks it, a poet of astronomical talents.
Get ready to moongaze as you step outside with new eyes.
~Joan Logghe, Santa Fe Poet Laureate Emerita; mixed-medium visual artist; heart of her rural New Mexico community; master teacher ' Muse of the Divine Ordinary.
Judyth Hill's Presente! Open up to the amazing Judyth Hill, kami bard, magi rabbi, interlocutor with the fourfold. She pulls the Moon out of her chapelle. Makes you dance. Makes you sing with words she uncovers in her outcrop stanzas of quartz crystals buried amid the fossilized granite of Western poetry. Thoughts like avatars leading you in ' out of the great pagan Alexandrian library of the mind. Listen for a bit to one of the 21st Century's many Changing Women-as She unstrings her truth lyre ' lets you in on the penetrating, reciprocal ' contradictory secrets of La Lune.
~Art Goodtimes, Poet, Shamanic Inspirer of Creativity ' Deep Joy; Celebrated 4-Term Colorado Green County Commissioner; organizer ' sustainer of Talking Gourd Poetry Community.
EAN: 9781957468136