Faith - Cecile Labar
I began writing the book Faith in New Cross, London England.
I did the second draft in 2004 and completed it in October 2020.
The book Faith gives my experiences in reading the Bible for the first time, and my guidance by the Holy Spirit, also known as Counselor; since my baptism. Also realizing that a religious human being needs to grow into an educated healthy person, and needs to grow in their faith;
in doing so I include the apostle Paul's teaching on faith. I tell of the dream I had before my baptism, and the visions had after, one of
them was seeing Lord Emmanuel.
I write about how the Bible had help me to make my baptism
garments, using one hundred percent white cotton fabric. Making
three different garments, with a good size hem, underwear, slip
and top garment. I write about being baptized in the name of
the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
EAN: 9781954371064