6 Figure Freight Broker - Maurice Sanders
- Make $100,000+ Brokering Freight In The Digital Age Setup Incomplete
In your hands Is the blueprint that has helped countless people earn a living in the freight brokerage industry! You'll see why thousands of people have gone from broke and without any marketable skills to becoming top earners in this industry!
In his earlier masterpiece "6 Figure Trucking" Maurice Sanders focused on being a truck driver and owning a trucking company. This book will focus on the freight brokerage business within the logistics industry. Freight brokerages have just as many, if not more, opportunities in the industry. If you're looking to get into trucking but can't or don't want to be behind the wheel, then being a freight broker is perfect for you. Freight brokerage allows you to earn a living in the industry without ever leaving your homes.
More importantly, this book will give you the secrets to being a profitable freight broker in the digital age!
You'll learn how to:
Obtain the necessary licenses
Find Freight
Find Suitable Carriers
Navigate all the red tape in the industry
Negotiate Rates
Keep yourself organized and profitable
Navigate websites and apps to use to catapult your business into the stratosphere
EAN: 9781952863394