Haven's Key - Austin Tia
From the moment Ovard woke him early in the morning, Jair knew that the time had come at last for them to run. Things were getting darker, most noticeably the sky itself. The time had come, and the prophecies foretold in Ovard's books were coming to pass . . .
Brace knew nothing about any prophecies, and he hardly paid attention to the sky. He was, after all, usually out at night, when no one would notice him sneaking around. But the years he'd spent as a thief had made him careless. He'd been seen - caught in the act - and now he had to make a run for it. His plan was simple. Get out, and get out now! Little did Brace suspect that there was another plan at work, one that would involve him, in one of the greatest endeavors in the whole history of Dunya. The question he would need to ask himself now was, did he believe in any of it? Or did he even care?
EAN: 9781953699862