For anyone that has struggled with finding your purpose in life, this book is for you. From
college graduates struggling with what path to take in life, to empty nesters questioning what
their existence on this planet is for, the search for purpose remains the same. There is an
inherent need within each one of us to be part of something more. We desire to create impact
and leave the world a better place than we found it. But where should we look to find our
The Power Project book points the reader in the right direction. In this book, I share my
experience of stepping out of my comfort zone and into my calling. My hope is that you will
not only be inspired by my story but find tangible steps to help you embark on your own
From the author:
I have this crazy idea that we can all do anything we set our minds to if we believe in ourselves,
trust God, and step out in faith. As a business coach and mentor to trafficked survivors, I have
encountered far too many people that don't value their own worth. I have seen a limited
mindset and lack of self-confidence keep people from ever pursuing the path that God was
calling them to, and it breaks my heart. One of the most painful things I see is that sadness in
a woman's eyes when she tells me that she doesn't believe in herself or know why God put her
on this planet. I was lucky enough to grow up with a support system that believed in me and
pushed me to follow my dreams, but I realize that not everyone has the same experience in life.
That is one of the reasons I wrote this book. If you have never had anyone tell you that they
believe in you and that you can do anything you set your mind to, I am here to be that voice in
your life. At the end of this book, I desire for every reader to stand in their power, own their
strengths ' know their worth.
For the women like me, the ones that have had wildly audacious goals since they can
remember. I see you. You're the ones that have felt a sense of purpose from your earliest
memories. You're the women who have felt called to lead even when it wasn't accepted within
your social circles. "Who knows but that you have been called to your royal position for such a
time as this." This is the path God has called you to. You are not too opinionated. You are not
too bossy. You are not too ambitious. You are a leader.
EAN: 9781952884467