Seasons of Mirrors - Taylor LeShaun M
- Consecration Leads to Revelation
In this 120-page memoir, author LeShaun M. Taylor reveals the traumatic, yet healing, experience of a 40-day consecration just before her 40th birthday.
“This was one of the hardest experiences to live through,” said Taylor who reflects on the days where she was instructed by God to write the names of sexual abusers, sexual exploiters, and even lovers she’d encountered in her lifetime. While penning pages and pages of names, Taylor began to understand God’s protection and faithfulness through the decades.
- Why would a loving God pull out the worst memories just before a time of celebration?
- Can anything good come from the hurt stirred up during a period consecration?
- How can consecration bring restoration or revelation?
Taylor’s experiences answer these questions and more as she explains the mirrors God revealed during her consecration. As a result, she lives a fuller life with holistic relationships and clear consciousness. Advance reviewers said Seasons of Mirrors is “Revealing, uplifting, thought-provoking, driven”; “raw, insightful, confirmation”, “transparent, gut-wrenching, honest, heartfelt;” and “Further confirmation that MY GOD is real. This story is so real. It kept me intrigued because of the raw truth.'
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EAN: 9781944155223