Battle Tested - Paula Olivier
- Breaking through challenges to build your best life now.
Sometimes crisis hits your life like a wrecking ball destroying everything in its path. We can't avoid tragedies, but we can flip the script. We can become the wrecking ball that shatters every barrier. What is holding you back? Is it fear, anxiety, sickness, opposition? Life is a battle, and these pages provide you with battle-tested principles allowing you to excel in the fight against adversity.
Christian pastor, Paula Oliver intertwines her faith and snapshots of her life into this book, Battled Tested. This book includes practical lessons, research-based insight, application exercises and space for reflective notes to help you break through challenges to living your best life now. If you spend time digesting and implementing the lessons in this book, you will be on the path to success and no barrier will be able to stop you from growing. The sooner you begin practicing these strategies, the sooner you will take charge of your future.
EAN: 9781948877565