As Far as My Mind Will Carry Me - Bruce Rout
Bruce, I was overwhelmed by the quality of your book. Could hardly put it down, as they say. Often books by friends don’t hold up to the standards of a fully publishable work, but this one went waaaaaay beyond that. Your passion for Roman and Greek history is infectious, and the interspersing of your experiences with theirs cunning. The thread of the Kennedy murder throughout brought the whole thing together, perhaps much as a Greek play. And you introduced some very complicated philosophical questions in a form that I could find interesting. Bravo—I will absolutely be recommending this to friends.
—Dr. Deborrah Scherrer,
Solar Research Center, Stanford University
You bastard! It’s three o’clock in the morning! I couldn’t stop reading this damn thing! I have to go to work in four hours! You bastard!
—Kevin Wilson
This is a hell of a good book.
—S. Sgt. Wayne Mather
RCMP (Ret)
EAN: 9781949574210