Destiny After Devastation - Pat Snelling Dr.
Has something in your life caught you off guard, knocked you off your feet, and/or changed your life forever? Then that was a devastating event or experience. Count it a blessing because God was pushing you to a new destiny.
When this happens, there are some steps that you can take to get through this experience. One of the first things we have to recognize or admit is “we need help.” No matter how strong, how educated, how rich, how focused, how independent you are. You still need help. When we experience a devastating event, there are so many uncertainties. What do I do next? Where do I go from here? Will I ever bounce back from this situation? Your normal is no longer normal.
Your devastation is not the end for you but a new beginning. God has great plans for your life. Sometimes he has to get our attention. Your journey is designed just for you. On this journey you cannot take your friends, families, or co-workers with you. It is a journey where your only companion is God. He knows exactly where you are going and the best and painless route to get there. There is destiny after devastation.
EAN: 9781977210920