Alcoholic Wine and the Christian - Dennis H. Helton
After a major Christian University published a book condoning the drinking of alcohol, Brother Dennis Helton went to work demonstrating that they were completely wrong according to the Scripture.
The title of this book, Alcoholic Wine and the Christian may seem strange to some. However, it defines an issue that permeates Christianity today because the word, "wine," is found often in the preserved Words of the Bible. The word "wine" is a polysemic word. That is, (1) it has different meanings depending upon its context, (2) its definition and exegesis is derived from the many words underlying the translation from the original languages of Hebrew and Greek given by God, and (3) its cultural use.
Brother Helton's book, Alcoholic Wine and the Christian, is so needed in these last days because alcohol has become a scourge upon humanity, not in America only, but throughout the world. The scourge, which has accelerated iniquity worldwide, has occurred for several reasons. (1) overt sin (drunkenness), (2) a misunderstanding of the Bible, (3) the corruption of the clear statements in Scripture by uneducated, misinformed preachers, teachers, missionaries, laymen, and authors (4) the pressures brought upon societies from the "so-called" SARS-CoV-2 pandemic, (5) humanistic culture that abounds because of "the tradition of men, after the rudiments of the world and not after Christ." (Colossians 2:8), (6) The false advertising of the liquor industry (e.g., alcohol is good for your heart and prevents cancer), (7) the self-indulgent culture of affluent nations, and (8) the promotion by the entertainment, TV, and social media industry.
EAN: 9781736534403