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The Teshuvah Principle - Susan Shaw
AutorzySusan Shaw

The Teshuvah Principle - Susan Shaw

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If you are bothered by the endless, unnerving daily reports of human insensitivity and inhumanity demonstrated in today’s culture, then you will want to read what The Teshuvah Principle has to say about the darker side of human nature.

            What is The Teshuvah Principle? In Hebrew, the word teshuvah means to “turn” or to “change.” It is this transformation that eventually inclines us to prefer good to evil, love for hate, and peace for chaos. In her book, Dr. Shaw provides an unvarnished critique of undesirable human behavior and provides the hope that God’s transformative power can change us and turn us (teshuvah) from the world’s darkness to the spiritual light of love. She points to the hope that shines through the life and messages of Jesus Christ, which drives us to a renewal of heart, mind, and soul.

            The Teshuvah Principle is for readers of all ages and stages who want to better understand human nature and find effective ways to achieve peace. The book provides answers as to why human behavior so often defies rational explanation, resulting in endless, disastrous battles in the bedroom, the boardroom, and everywhere in between, and offers methods by which readers can improve themselves and the lives of their families.

The Discussion Guide and Personal Life Assessment Inventory help readers ask themselves the hard questions that provoke, challenge, and lead to transformative thinking about who we are and what we hope to accomplish as citizens of the earth and children of God.

EAN: 9781683148746
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Susan Shaw
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