The End of the Days - Lee Guy
- A Study in the Book of Daniel
It is my earnest hope that it will be a help to the Lord’s people in a further appreciation for the Word of God. The more deeply I have delved into the study of the books of Daniel and Revelation, the more firmly convinced I have become that these books need to be preached more than ever before. They should be engaging the attention of the Church in a larger measure. Our Lord’s last message to His Church, a message given after His ascension to heaven, is found in Revelation, which is a continuation of the book of Daniel. Yet, few sermons are preached in our pulpits that are based on this message, the importance of which can hardly be overestimated. No claim is made for scholarship or originality. Please receive it in the spirit in which it is written; a desire to help.
EAN: 9781734446791