Scandals, Betrayers, & Liars - Kyla Latrice Tennin
- Understanding How Deceivers Mean Business
Offenses cause various problems in people’s life, like anger, hostility, revengeful thoughts, bitterness, unforgiveness, immobility, and an invisible barrier between you and God. As a result, prayers go unanswered and blessings do not flow. Therefore, the book has two purposes. The first purpose is to use the book as a tool to discuss scandals, betrayals, and lies I encountered with one set of individuals in the year 2010 despite the many others I faced and the second is to warn individuals in business about false persons. Warnings about pretenders can help you recognize and avoid strife, litigations, business interruption, and/or a tarnished reputation if you respond to scandals, betrayers, and liars in an ungodly fashion. I provide strategies on what to do when calamity arises.
A few of the lessons I learned from each component of the scandal and betrayal scenario discussed in the book and key points of each chapter I want you to remember so you can overcome immorality, not be defeated or become stagnant, and succeed in your workplace, life, or business regardless of industry are:
- Immediately remove problematic people from your personal and professional life; a connection with problematic people can be catastrophic if they remain in your life or organization.
- How to go from associating with people who are okay with $8.00/hour jobs to colleagues with $2.4M-23B firm profit and loss (P'L) responsibility.
- Forgiveness is a pre-requisite to sowing a $100 seed to have God cancel debts worth thousands of dollars.
- God will use the same scandal, betrayal, wrongdoing, and dirt meant to remove, stop, hurt, or bury you to vindicate, promote, and raise you!
EAN: 9781734807905