Soul Talk, Volume 3 - Cheryl Polote-Williamson
- Soul-Stirring Stories of People Who Let Go and Let God
Soul Talk, Volume 3: Soul-Stirring Stories of People Who Let Go and Let God, brought to you by visionary Cheryl Polote-Williamson, features 21 coauthors who are bearing their very souls so that you will gain the hope, strength, and faith you need to overcome your pains, disappointments, and heartaches. Another essential guide in the bestselling Soul Talk series, this life-changing anthology provides you with a roadmap that will deeply gratify your yearning to cultivate a more intimate relationship with God.
Many of these revealing and traumatic stories will echo your own, but so will the victorious endings. Whether you are going through a battle in your mind, body, spirit, or emotions, the well of wisdom within these pages will spring forth and compel you to leap into the freedom you were born to experience.
After reading this book, you will rejoice in and persevere through your storms, knowing that God is using the showers to water your soul into full bloom.
EAN: 9781644841259