Learn Portuguese For Beginners Easily & In Your Car! Vocabulary Edition! - Languages Immersion
If you have always wanted to learn the Portuguese language but have no time, keep reading!
Portuguese is a beautiful language that is spoken by millions around the world! It is hard to find time to learn a new language however! Language courses at schools and colleges are routine and boring!
Learn Portuguese For Beginners Easily ' In Your Car is perfect for people who have no other time to learn a new language! It contains over 1500 common Portuguese vocabulary phrases and words, that will help you in everyday life and travel! Each word is written multiple times so that you can really learn the correct pronunciation! Each words equivalent english translation is also provided!
The book is broken up into the following categories!
Numbers/ Números
Times /Tempo
Colors /Cores
Months/ Meses
Seasons/ Estações
Days of the Week/ Dias da Semana
Animals/ Animais
Jobs/ Profissões
Clothes / Roupa
Family Relationships / Relações Familiares
At the restaurant/No Restaurante
The Human Body / O Corpo Humano
Weather/ Metereologia
Travel / Viagem
Stores/ Lojas
The Beach/ A Praia
Feelings / Sentimentos
Shapes / Formas
Transportation / Transportes
Sports / Desporto
Weights / Measures Pesos/Medidas
Countries / Países
Tools / Ferramentas
The Car / O Carro
In The City / Na Cidade
Business / Negócio
Geography and Landscapes / Geografia e Paisagens
Describing People /Descrever pessoas
Religion / Religião
Outdoors / Ar Livre
Adverbs / Advérbios
Adjectives /Adjetivos
Accessories / Acessórios
Geography / Geografia
Verbs / Verbos
Basic Phrases / Frases básicas
Directions and Comparisons /Direções e Comparações
Entertainment / Entretenimento
Holidays and Celebrations / Férias e Celebrações
Internet / Internet
Medical Terms /Termos médicos
US Cities / Cidades dos EU
European Cities / Cidades Europeias
Nationalities / Nacionalidades
Parts of the world / Partes do Mundo
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EAN: 9781617044564