We Are Just Clay - Marshall Carlton
- God's Hand in Life's Hard Circumstances
God is all around us and is involved in every aspect of our lives every day. No matter what we may be enduring, God is present and at work. We Are Just Clay reveals how God is working through and fully controlling our circumstances, as a potter works with clay, to build us into a vessel of honor.
We Are Just Clay shows Gods hand in action through a true life affliction and reveals Gods reasons and purpose in allowing such things in our lives. It also displays the boundless love, mercies, and continued grace God provides even in the midst of such turmoil. This book is a recommended read for anyone going through hard times and wondering, Where is God? or for persons who are connected to others who are suffering. It will help the reader to recognize God is present even during affliction and help provide insight into either their own problems or possibly provide avenues to assisting others who are struggling.
EAN: 9781098071707