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Tenebrae For Modern Times - Marie Asner A

Tenebrae For Modern Times - Marie Asner A

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14 dni na łatwy zwrot
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Tenebrae For Modern Times combines scripture, contemporary language, and prose poetry in an innovative setting. Within the framework of a standard worship service, short reflections by six apostles are echoed by the musings of six contemporary people with similar concerns. This juxtaposition reveals that little has changed in almost 2,000 years -- there are still taxes to pay and family situations to deal with. Questions central to our lives are addressed: "How do I find time for my family?" "How can I find time for church work?" and "How can I bring God into my life?"

The service does not require a sermon, and there are suggested hymns and choral anthems for the church musician. The format allows for participation by many readers, yet the service is very adaptable for use by small congregations. No props or costumes are required, though the service may be performed in costume if desired. This truly distinctive Good Friday resource combines the past, present, and future into a poignant worship experience.

Good Friday is an important day in the lives of Christians, and Marie Asner's Tenebrae For Modern Times is a powerful way to make that day significant and meaningful in our lives. She causes us to think deeply about our own relationship with the Lord with her references to Jesus' disciples as well as modern people who struggle. Each of us will be touched and changed by her inspired writings.
Kathy Collard Miller
Author of the best-selling God's Vitamin "C" for the Spirit series

This deeply moving tenebrae service reflects Marie Asner's knowledge and love of scripture, together with her multifaceted gifts in music, writing, speech training, and poetry. Its unique style and format beautifully mix contemporary with historical/traditional expression, both in the spoken word and in the various selections of music suggested for congregational hymns and choral anthems.... I believe that participating in this service may well be a life-changing experience for those whose hearts are tuned to be in touch with the Spirit of the Lord.
Diana L. James
Author of the Bounce Back series

A musician and freelance writer, Marie A. Asner holds music degrees from St. Cloud State University (St. Cloud, Minnesota). She taught elementary music in Minnesota school systems prior to opening a private vocal and piano studio. Asner has had inspirational stories published in such books as Bounce Back and Bounce Back Too (Horizon Books), as well as God's Unexpected Blessings, Seasons of a Woman's Heart, and Stories of God's Abundance for a More Joyful Life (Starburst Publishers). Marie also has had numerous articles appear in such magazines as The American Organist, Clavier, The American Music Teacher, The Lutheran, Christian Communicator, and Crescendo. Asner was awarded the Grand Prize in Writing at the 1998 Kansas City Christian Writers Conference, and has also been nominated for a Kansas Governor's Art Award and the Mary Roberts Rinehart Award in Poetry. A resident of Overland Park, Kansas, Asner's poem "The City" was recently selected to officially kick off Kansas City's 150th birthday celebration.

EAN: 9780788017933
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Marie Asner A
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