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Lectionary Scenes - Robert Crowley F
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Lectionary Scenes - Robert Crowley F

  • 57 Vignettes for Cycle A
Cena regularna148,01 zł
147,39 zł
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14 dni na łatwy zwrot
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Studies have indicated that 75% of what an audience learns and remembers is a result of what they see, while 13% comes from what they hear. Drama puts both together and prepares the audience with a vivid sermon illustration that kindles their anticipation of the pastor's sermon.

The majority of these mini-dramas run 3-5 minutes in length, with a few as long as 7 to 10 minutes. Each introduces the theme of the gospel lesson in the Cycle A lectionary.

Written with wit, wisdom, and humor, they help to plant the scriptural message in an unforgettable, poignant, contemporary application.

• Requires minimal preparation
• Few props are needed
• 2-4 characters are involved in each sketch

Your wonderful drama left us all hungering for more. I assure you that the Lord is truly working through you.
Bill Broaddus
Brunswick United Methodist Church
Brunswick, Ohio

Through your gifts of drama you achieved a perfect blend of humor, pathos, conviction, and joy to present the gospel in a living and powerful way.
Richard B. Linder Jr., Rector
St. Matthew's Episcopal Church
Brecksville, Ohio

Robert F. Crowley is an actor, director, playwright, theater critic, poet, and teacher. He is the co-founder (with his wife Suanne) of Fisherpeople Drama Ministry, a drama troupe that tours the Eastern half of the U.S. and Canada. Crowley is director of Christian Arts, Visual Arts, Dance, and Writers at St. Luke's Episcopal Church, Akron, Ohio. He is also playwright and advisor for L.I.O.N. Players and Joshua Force. Crowley received his M.A. degree in Theater from the University of Akron and his M.Div. degree in Biblical Studies from Ashland Theological Seminary.

EAN: 9780788012730
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Robert Crowley F
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4.81 / 5.00 8098 opinii
Zaufane Opinie IdoSell
Książka jest już u mnie. Chwilkę na nią czekałam, ale kupiłam ją, gdy jeszcze była w druku. Gdy tylko się ukazała, raz, dwa, trzy i pojawił się kurier z przesyłką. Teraz już czekam na wieczór, by móc zasiąść do lektury dzieła autorstwa fantastycznej dziewczyny, którą znam z parkrun. Pozdrawiam!
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